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Want to Drop Out? 5 Things to Consider.

Renee E. Henderson | 9.6.2017

College is hard.

That might be the understatement of the century. College is REALLY hard, and in ways many people don't expect. Sure, you expect your classes to be much more challenging than your high school classes. Unfortunately, being a successful college student is more than just class. You have a new social circle, new responsibilities, and what sometimes feels like the crushing responsibility to make life-altering decisions that you don't feel prepared to make. All of this new pressure might be causing you to consider postponing your education until you feel more "grown up," or worse, dropping out and never looking back. What you probably haven't considered is that most college students consider dropping out at some point (myself included)! If you're looking for the motivation to stay enrolled, keep reading for five legitimate reasons to push through to graduation.

It's not going to get any easier than it is right now.

Assuming you don't have major life issues happening right now (illness, death in the family, etc.), NOW is the best time to work towards your degree. I'm sure you've had the thought, "College is impossible right now, I'll just take classes later when everything is less stressful." Think about this: What guarantee do you have that life is going to be less stressful later? Unfortunately, life tends to get messier and MORE stressful the older we get. When your responsibilities grow, you'll be happy you stuck it out because your job opportunities are so much brighter with a college degree. You will never be younger and more full of energy than you are right now, take advantage of your youthful energy and focus on your goals. 

College is temporary - not forever.

When you're struggling, it's easy to think you'll be stuck forever. You won't be. College is just commitment for a few years of your life and then it's over. Staying focused on graduation can help you realize you're not in a permanent situation and keep you on track to complete your goal of a college degree. This thought can be a saving grace when you're really burned out! 

Taking a break now means more money later.

Unfortunately, college tuition isn't getting any cheaper. When you return, it's likely that tuition and fees will have gone up. Also, if you change your major, you will probably need additional courses. In fact, even if you don't change your major, degree catalogs change every couple of years at most schools, so you STILL might need to take courses you hadn't planned on originally. All of this adds to both the cost and the time it will take to finish. Before you decide to take time off, consider that you might spend thousands more on your education AND suffer loss of a better income for the extended time to complete your degree.

Transferring or changing your major might help.

You might not feel at home at the school you've chosen, and that is totally okay! Maybe you weren't ready to move away from home and you're feeling homesick. Maybe you stayed close to home but need some room to breathe. Whatever your situation, know that there is a college that is the right fit for you. Take some time to look at some other schools. Now that you know what you don't want, it might be easier to find your dream school. If transferring doesn't feel like an option, changing your major might help. If you're not interested in the subject matter you're studying, you might feel like college is a waste of time. Spend some time talking to your academic adviser, your professors, or industry professionals to determine what you might like to study instead.

A degree is an investment in yourself no one can take away from you.

If you found this post, it's likely that you've been reading a lot about the pros and cons about staying in college. No matter which way you're currently leaning, you can't deny that an education is an asset. Having a college degree allows you a world of opportunity that no one can ever take away from you. You should consider it a privilege to be able to continue your learning after high school, because a lot of people are not given the same opportunity. Know that it might be hard right now, but that if you complete your degree, you've been given skills that will make you successful for the rest of your life!

As always, if you're struggling, know that I can help! I want to see you succeed! Send me a message here
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